How to Get Better Sleep: 9 Amazing Tips
Everybody wants to wake up feeling refreshed and revitalized, but many Americans often feel tired, even if they get a full eight hours. Excessive tiredness can be caused by the quality of your sleep. Your mattress can be your friend. No matter what your condition is, there are simple and effective ways to improve your quality of sleep. The sleep effect on mental health is also quite profound. When you learn how to get better sleep, you’ll find it easier to be happier and more productive. You might even discover new opportunities for achievement and success. Join me as I share 9 amazing tips to help you find better and more reliable sleep.
Turning Sleep Problems into Sleep Solutions
Everybody has trouble falling asleep at some time in their life. 1 in 3 Americans experiences sleep disruptions on a regular basis. The importance of sleep is often overlooked by hardworking professionals, and this lack of sleep leads to many other problems.

There are many reasons people get inadequate sleep. Insomnia is a big reason, but having young children, chaotic schedules, and even chronic illness can get in the way of healthy sleep. Here are 9 tips for sleeping better I use when helping someone achieve mastery over the mattress.
1. Focus on Recovery
Life can be pretty hectic. When you remember that sleep is actually a way to recover and heal from the stressors of the day, it can help you become more mentally prepared. Sleep is the body’s main ammunition when it comes to recovering. Recovery is such a big buzz word, and so many people spend a lot of money on different modalities to help recovery. People use things like cryotherapy, compressive boots, and many other tools for muscle recovery. But if you’re not getting enough sleep, you’re missing out on the most important thing you need to help you recover: adequate sleep.
2. Learn your Personal Circadian Rhythms
Think about when you naturally get tired and want to fall asleep. There’s also a time you’re most likely to wake up in the morning. These are examples of your circadian rhythms. Some people do better when they go to sleep early and get up early. Others are night owls. Your internal biological clock should tell you when you should be hungry, sleepy, awake, attentive, and physically primed for a workout. Find out what your rhythms are and use them to your advantage.

3. Be Consistent
When you begin to disrupt your biological clock, you mess with your sleep cycle. The more you get into the habit of going to bed and getting up at the same time, the more your body will get used to it. Go to bed at the same time every night for three weeks, and you’ll find it gets easier to fall asleep, stay asleep, and feel rested the next day.
4. Minimize Exposure to Artificial Light
Screen time can mess with your biological and circadian rhythms. The more artificial light you see, the harder it is for your body to know what time it is. The amount of artificial light throughout your day, but especially in the evening, will help you regulate your clock. Blue-light blocking glasses can help.

5. Learn to Breath Better
Learning breathing exercises and practicing them before bed can help you relax and wind down. The less stressed you are at the end of the day, the easier it is to fall asleep. Doing breathing exercises at the same time every night before bed can help you create a healthy and consistent bedtime routine.
6. Use Effective Supplements and Sleep Aids
All-natural supplements like tryptophan, lion’s mane mushrooms, reishi mushrooms, and others have been used for thousands of years to get better sleep. Four Sigmatic and Pure Power Life are great supplements you can use to help you relax and get better rest. I’ve been using Evlution Nutrition Z-Matrix, and I think it’s making a real difference.
Molecule cooling bed sheets can help you regulate your temperature for maximum comfort.

7. Use Caffeine Wisely
Caffeine stays in your system for a long time. It has a half-life of six hours, so if you have two cups of coffee at noon, at 9 pm you still have half a cup of coffee’s worth of caffeine in your system! Drink your caffeine early in the morning and it will do the most good. Switching to water at noon can help give you more energy without making it harder to fall asleep. Water also helps protect your skin and keep all of your bodily functions regular, so drink up!
8. Eat Dinner Early
Food can make you sleepy, but if your body is digesting while you are asleep, it can have unforeseen consequences. Digesting food keeps your body active and interferes with your regular sleep. Limit your food intake after 6 pm to help you get better sleep.

9. Enjoy More Sunlight
Just like you want to avoid artificial light, getting more natural light will also help you sleep better. Not only will your body know when it’s getting late, sunlight produces vitamin D, which strengthens your immune system and elevates your mood. Get lots of natural light to help keep you healthy and happy. Don’t forget to use sunscreen.
You Can Get Better Sleep
No matter how many things you have tried to help you fall asleep, there is a method that will help you improve. These nine steps are just the beginning. They can provide a foundation that will help most people get more restful sleep. Some people find it hard to build new habits, but these things can prove helpful.
I recommend you take a proactive approach to improving your sleep. Even if you think you’re well-rested, give these techniques a try for 30 days. Everyone I have advised who followed through reported a significant improvement in their sleep habits. In some cases, these improvements will not be enough to satisfy you. In these rare instances, professional help from a doctor or sleep specialist can help you find appropriate solutions.